10 Ayurvedic ways to get rid of that bloated feeling in Spring

10 Ayurvedic ways to get rid of that bloated feeling in Spring

A bloated feeling without having eaten a crumb of bread? Lack of appetite? Do you feel puffy or are you are you experiencing heaviness? 

We are in the middle of the transition from Winter to Spring, in where the rise of temperature is ‘melting’ the solid Kapha that was built up during the Winter. Read more about that on my previous blog. This results in more water in our system, which can weaken the digestive system and makes us feel heavy, full, bloated or puffy

The Spring season is a very suitable time for a detox. A good way to do this, is to take extra care of your digestive power in the coming weeks. I will give you 10 Ayurvedic ways that you can integrate in your daily diet, which can boost your digestive power and will add to a balanced diet during Spring:

    1. Boost your digestive fire by drinking ginger tea with a squeeze of lemon juice. Wait until it has drinking temperature and add a spoon of honey. Honey must never be heated! Read more about that here. 
    2. Not hungry? Skip breakfast! Or eat a few raisins. Soak them in water for a few hours (or overnight) before eating. Or drink the ginger-lemon-honey tea as a breakfast;
    3. Eat light, easy to digest, warm foods. Make your lunch the main meal of the day and eat a smaller portion in the evening;
    4. Eat Kicheri! Or do a detox of Kicheri. How? Read more;
    5. Drink enough water, about 1 liter per day, but don’t drink too much in one go. Take a few sips every half hour. And drink your water always warm;
    6. Spice it up! Use sharp and bitter herbs like black pepper, red pepper, ginger, turmeric, fenugreek, mustard seed, clove and cinnamon. Take less salt, because this can cause water retention. In stead of salt, use lemon juice or cumin; 
    7. Choose for seasonal produce. During Spring, those are green leafy veggies, asparagus, spinach, garlic, green beans, celery, parsley, fennel, onion, corn and sprouts. Always eat them cooked or baked and use the spices I listed above; 
    8. Grains like quinoa, corn and buckwheat are a bit dryer than other grains and can add to a lighter feeling; 
    9. Eat vegetarian. Pulses like split mung bean and split red lentils, tofu or tempeh; 
    10. Avoid cold food, dairy, fat food, sweet and salty food, meat, fish, and chicken.

Do you have any questions? Would you like personal advice on how to live a more Ayurvedic daily life? Send me a message or mail info@puraveda.nl ! I can help you achieve a balance lifestyle and diet, based on the principles of Ayurveda. A natural lifestyle that really fits your actual needs. 

Foto: Joacim Bohlander @unsplash