3 easy ways to stay healthy and balanced while traveling

3 easy ways to stay healthy and balanced while traveling

Life of a traveler: long travel hours, jet lag, uncomfortable beds, air-conditioning, a lack of rhythm and different food…

Traveling is awesome - it’s one of the things I love to do most - but it can also create discomfort like digestive problems and congestion, and mental imbalances such as restlessness, lack of grounding and even stress.

How to maintain your health while traveling or living abroad, from an Ayurvedic perspective? These 3 ways can help you and are easy to pack.

  1. Balance your digestive system - the key to health

In Ayurveda, a balanced digestive system is at the base for maintaining overall health. We need to be able to digest our food properly to be able to nourish the tissues and eliminate waste. A few simple ways to balance the digestive system are:

- Fiber. Add fiber to your diet by adding a table spoon of linseed, chia seed or psyllium husk to your meal. The fiber stimulates the intestinal movement. Pack a little ziplock bag with seeds so you always have it available.

  • Watch your food combinations. Check this table of food combinations to avoid, because these can disturb your digestive system and cause discomfort.
  • Ghee. Adding a teaspoon of Ghee to your meal can help when you experience constipation or difficulty going to the toilet. Ghee isn’t always available, so it might be an idea to pack a little pot of Ghee in your bag.

2. Oil for your skin and …respiratory system!

Oil is one of the best remedies against a feeling of dryness, for your skin but also for your respiratory system. Sesame oil is the preferred oil in Ayurveda because it is easily absorbed by the skin, and nourishes and relaxes the tissues. It’s always a good idea to pack a little bottle of organic cold pressed sesame oil. Two ways how I like to use it:

  • Internal. A few drops of sesame oil in your nose cavities every evening before going to sleep can help against a dry feeling, and relieves headache.
  • External. A regular self-massage with sesame oil (or coconut oil, whichever you have available) will make your skin soft and supple and gives an overall feeling of relaxation. Leave the oil on your skin for several minutes and rinse off with a warm shower.

3. Find your natural rhythm

Having a daily rhythm gives you structure, which can make you feel more grounded and stable. By simply going to bed, waking up and eating on the same times you can achieve this. This can also help to regulate your digestion.

Safe and healthy travels!